Baby LOVE-d.

Baby LOVE-d.
Little girl dresses made with vintage fabrics.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

My first actual blog post!!

Hello all!

I am making an attempt to increase my web presence, by actually keeping up my blog.  Lately I have been working on some baby quilts.  I made my first baby quilt when I was 11, for my newborn cousin, Emma.  It was pink and purple and I used yarn to tie it, as my quilting abilities were non existent.  She is starting college in a few weeks and still sleeps with it at night, even though now it is a little ball of rags tied together.   Since then I have added a little more style, but I still love the basic look and the snuggle flannel fabric so they are cuddly for both babies and mommas.  For some reason the nautical theme is pretty popular this summer and I found these two adorable prints at JoAnn Fabrics.  I buy one yard of each fabric and each side of the quilt is the opposite of the other.

         Pirate Ship's Wheel                                                                               Ships, Whales, & Fish.
I quilted an ancor in the center. 
This is the final quilt.  It measures 32.5" x 32.5".
And moms, they are completely washable!

I have a few listed on my etsy shop for $30 plus shipping. 
*I can also take themed orders if you have something in mind.  My friend just asked that I make a dog themed one for her 10 month old son; a second child who didn't get any baby blankets when he was born.