Baby LOVE-d.

Baby LOVE-d.
Little girl dresses made with vintage fabrics.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

My first actual blog post!!

Hello all!

I am making an attempt to increase my web presence, by actually keeping up my blog.  Lately I have been working on some baby quilts.  I made my first baby quilt when I was 11, for my newborn cousin, Emma.  It was pink and purple and I used yarn to tie it, as my quilting abilities were non existent.  She is starting college in a few weeks and still sleeps with it at night, even though now it is a little ball of rags tied together.   Since then I have added a little more style, but I still love the basic look and the snuggle flannel fabric so they are cuddly for both babies and mommas.  For some reason the nautical theme is pretty popular this summer and I found these two adorable prints at JoAnn Fabrics.  I buy one yard of each fabric and each side of the quilt is the opposite of the other.

         Pirate Ship's Wheel                                                                               Ships, Whales, & Fish.
I quilted an ancor in the center. 
This is the final quilt.  It measures 32.5" x 32.5".
And moms, they are completely washable!

I have a few listed on my etsy shop for $30 plus shipping. 
*I can also take themed orders if you have something in mind.  My friend just asked that I make a dog themed one for her 10 month old son; a second child who didn't get any baby blankets when he was born.  

Friday, March 22, 2013

My Dresses

My Dresses
 I made this dress from an old sheet of my grandmother's. I am always keeping my eyes out for old sheets now.  I made a petticoat that lives in the dress.

This is my go to summer dress.  It is so comfy and it (of course) has pockets.  No petticoat needed, just a cotton fabric.
My first 'sexy' dress.  It is made of costume satin and I used the wrong side out so that is wasn't so shinny.  I love this pattern, but it tells you to cut the front piece on diagonal and therefore it lays a little funny.  I want to make another one out of more sturdy fabric as the costume satin is very weak.  I don't recommend it for a dress you wish to wear a lot, or at least not a tight fitting one.         
This was my first taffeta dress.  I found this wonderful fabric on sale at JoANN's after Christmas.  It is a textured taffeta plaid and I have yet to see anything as nice.  The bow is permanently tied and it zips up the back. 
 These were the first two dresses I ever made and unfortunately I lined them with actual lining which makes them super sticky and hot in the summer, but they are still daily wears.  I have made one for my mother lined with the same fabric as the dress and loves it.
This dress is from a vintage 1950's pattern that my roomie found.  I love this dress.  It is amazingly comfortable and has a great weight to it.  This is a plaid that I found at JoANN's on a whim.  Every once in a while JoANN's comes through with a great plaid.  I love plaids.
This is the first dress that I really drafted by myself (with lots of help from Aimee).  I found a dress online that looked like this and I wanted to try to make it. 

Brenny's Dress
After I wore my plaid '50's dress Brenny commissioned me to make her one.  I now want to make one like this for myself because it is such a great look.


Ollie: The Pin Cushion Owl
Ollie is made of felt.  The pattern helps you with the embroidery.  The eyes are glued with Tacky glue.

The Marvelous Wonderettes
I work at a theatre and as a closing night gift I made these for the girls.  I created the patterns for the barbies.  Most of the dresses are hand sewn although there were some pieces that were big enough to use the machine.  I found all the dolls but BJ (the green one) at thrift stores, I had to break down and buy a Barbie as there wasn't one with the correct color hair.  
This is our Wonderstudy (she understudies all the roles)
 I found an e-how page that tells you how to save Barbie dolls and fix their hair.  First condition the hair, then shampoo, then condition again.  Dry her hair a bit and cut up a straw and roll the hair about the straw bits and bobby pin them in.  Once all the hair is rolled then pour bowling water over her head and let her hair dry.  Then remove the straws and style.  I quite enjoyed it, and feel good that I saved some Barbies.

Sam & Gene
I made these for my best friend Aimee for her birthday.  They are from the British version of Life on Mars (the good one), there is an episode where they have little claymation figures of Sam and Gene.  I guess it is a reference to a British Children's Show or something.
They are made from sculpty, wire, a wooden ball for the head base, and I created and sewed the outfits.  Their arms and legs are posable.
 The box is also in the episode of Life on Mars.


Sidney's Apron
 I made this apron for the little girl I nannied as a parting gift.  She had just gotten into cooking and thought this and my banana break recipe would be a great gift.  I LOVE this fabric. I used ribbon for the neck and waist ties.  I wanted it to be adjustable as she was 9.  
The fabric is cotton and it is completely washable.

Miriam's Apron
 Miriam wanted a 'girlie' apron as the ones she had said 'tractor supply' or some such on them.  So I wanted to make a '50's dress looking apron.  I found this great period fabric that screams 1950's kitchen and complimented it with a brown polka-dot cotton. The neck strap runs though the side of the top so that everything is adjustable, and the ends of the ties flare out and switch from the brown polka-dot to the blue fruit.  I cut out the fruit and heat-n-bond and zig-zag stitched them to the bottom of the apron.

Matching Reversible Bib's
I had extra fabric and made reversible bib for the girls.  They have two snaps on each side so that the snaps are adjustable.  Miriam said she didn't want to use them because they were too pretty.  They are completely washable.

Bags and Wallets

Riley's Bag
 I pieced this bag for the little girl I used to nanny as a parting gift.  It is reversible (although the quilted side is by far prettier).  It was the first time I created a bag and tried about a million different designs for the pieces, but finally settled on this one.

Jean's Lunch Bag
I made this lunch pail for my Stage Manager as his old one was super gross.  I used outdoor canvas for the outside and silver pleather for the lining.  There is a layer of insulation in between the the two.  I used webbing for the strap and it zips at the top.  I had a friend do the embroidery. 

George's Duffle Bag
 This is a duffle bag I made for a Secret Santa exchange.  I found this lizard cotton fabric and matching fleece fabric.  I lined the bag with fleece to add substance.  I ordered a huge red zipper from WAWAK and put pockets all over inside and out of the duffle (as pockets should be in everything).  I had a friend monogram the bag.  I used leftover fleece to pad the handles of the bag.

 I made this wallet for a friend, for her mom for Christmas.  She picked out the fabric and button.

 This is my friend Lexy's wallet.  The fabric is all fat quarters.  

 I sold this item to a friend.  I liked the vintage look of the fabric and searched for a vintage button.  I created this pattern for this wallet years ago and I use mine daily.
 I have many fabric options and am willing to make the wallet in the color requests you make.  I can also make it out of fabric that you have if you want to send it to me.  Wallets are $20, not including shipping.